Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Please Take Your Seat

As a principal at a Christian school I have heard much, read much, and even spoken much about having a "Christian world-view". My understanding of this phrase is that we view all of life and the world around us as it is defined and discussed in Scripture. Having worked with many students, and having spoken to a multitude of people about their personal experience with Jesus Christ I have come to the conclusion that simply a world-view is insufficient. Let me explain my thinking. David, the second king of Israel, the "man after God's own heart", had a son, Solomon. Solomon grew up under the tutelage of his father, a man who loved and worshipped Jehovah and had a tender heart towards the things of God. Solomon was given the task of building the temple, the most sacred building in all of Jewish history. We can read Solomon's prayer of dedication and it is filled with a "Biblical world-view". How did Solomon end up? There is a fragment of hope in Ecclesiastes that he restored his relationship with God, but the hope is fragmentary at best. Solomon had a son, Rehoboam, and we are told that he did not prepare his heart to know, serve, and love God. His life ended in rebellion against God. My father was a pastor, a man that loves God and His Word like no other I have ever known, and he taught me to have a "Biblical world-view". How I end up has little to do with my view and everything to do with the application of that view. The success of my son's relationship with God is totally dependant upon their application of the view they are being taught. I have a choice, as did David, Solomon, and Rehoboam. I can have a heart for God, a mind for God, or simply feeble hand service to God. My view means nothing without the application. There are many walking the streets of 21st century America that have a correct view but are not supporting it with the necessary application to experience the favor of God. So, which seat is your's?

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